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You know I (and probably piles of others :) have been on the lookout for all of these machiens on and off for years. I see a couple of stores selling Falcons at killer prices ($800USD?! yowza!), and the occasional STacy ($800USD again :). I'd pay stupid amounts of money for an STBook though I realize they're probably no where to be found...

But does anyone know where to find the newer platforms like the Hades or Milan or any of those guys? I keep going to websites which are down or dead or they stopped answering their email years ago.. I've yet to find in the last 2-3 years a website that says "yes,we can sell you a hades".

Does anyonw know where I can get something cool like this?

Please let me know :)


 Topics Author  Date
  Where to get Falcon, Hades, Milan, STBook, etc new Jeff Mitchell 01-29-2003 14:27 
   eBay new Mr. B.B.C. 01-29-2003 19:05 
    RE: eBay new Jeff Mitchell 01-29-2003 20:40 
     RE: eBay new Ragstaff 01-30-2003 00:13 
      RE: eBay new Chris 01-30-2003 09:24 
       RE: eBay new Elliot 01-30-2003 20:53 new mintboy 02-01-2003 01:32 
         RE: new ludovic 02-15-2003 10:18 
         RE: new ludovic 02-15-2003 10:19 

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