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It appears some assistance is in order.

I guess folks just don't understand why Falcons are so expensive.

Allow me to explain.

Statement in fact...

It just so happens, that the Bell+Howell
company, produced several models of their
gigantic mail sorting machines using
Falcons as the central brain unit. People
don't even realize that a significant
percentage of the mail in California gets
to where it is going because of Atari
Falcons... :)

Statement in fact..

The company has an open ended gentleman's
agreement with all the remaining Atari
retailers that lays a bounty of up to $1500
per serviceable unit and as many as they
can get their hands on,,, period.

They are being stripped down and the
circuit boards are shipping as "spares" for
the mail sorting machines.

THIS is why reason Falcons are so expensive.

Simple supply and demand and it also means,
(unfortunately for the common folk),
that the Falcons ARE worth $1000+ now.

This is why retailers like ""
always bid for them on EBay, they are just
reselling them to Bell+Howell.

Its the fools selling them for dirt on eBay
that are giving you the illusion that they
are worth less.

Bell+Howell will not stop consuming the
Falcons until their contractual service
agreements to support these units expire!

Which wont be for decades.

 Topics Author  Date
  Falcon 030s new Steve 05-15-2003 12:27 
   RE: Falcon 030s new Cliff 05-15-2003 13:20 
    RE: Falcon 030s new Jack 05-15-2003 14:19 
     RE: Falcon 030s new Joshua Kaijankoski 05-15-2003 15:29 
      RE: Falcon 030s new Jack 05-15-2003 21:35 
       RE: Falcon 030s new Joshua Kaijankoski 05-15-2003 21:56 
        RE: Falcon 030s new Jack 05-15-2003 22:22 
   RE: Falcon 030s new earx 05-15-2003 14:38 
    RE: Falcon 030s new Dan Ackerman 05-15-2003 16:36 
     RE: Falcon 030s new Thomas Adamsen 05-15-2003 21:50 
   RE: Falcon 030s new Francisco Tovar 05-15-2003 22:26 
    RE: Falcon 030s new earx 05-16-2003 14:09 
     RE: Falcon 030s new bob 05-16-2003 17:34 
   RE: Falcon 030s new Phil 05-17-2003 09:35 
    RE: Falcon 030s new Fenix 05-17-2003 15:54 
    RE: Falcon 030s new tero 05-20-2003 16:12 
     RE: Falcon 030s new Phil 05-24-2003 05:16 
      RE: Falcon 030s new pedro 05-24-2003 07:13 
   RE: Falcon 030s new bredroll 05-18-2003 02:19 
    RE: Falcon 030s new earx 05-19-2003 10:21 
     RE: Falcon 030s new Galen 05-20-2003 01:03 
    RE: Falcon 030s new Shalroth 05-21-2003 14:27 
   RE: Falcon 030s (Mailing System) new Karl at AEX 05-19-2003 12:40 
    RE: Falcon 030s (Mailing System) new Galen 05-20-2003 01:11 
    RE: Falcon 030s (Mailing System) new Phil 05-20-2003 06:02 
     RE: Falcon 030s (Mailing System) new Karl at AEX 05-20-2003 13:46 
      RE: Falcon Casing new Galen 05-21-2003 01:25 
   I've had contact with them... new Ragstaff 05-21-2003 14:03 

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