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Can anyone fill in the blanks for me please?

Im still not 100% on what limits each Atari has on their HDs.

For example, I read that on an STE the Limit for the boot partition was raised from 16MB on the ST to 32MB. I myself had found it to be actually 127MB ( TOS 1.62 ) - Or was it perhaps raised from 32MB to 127MB for 1.62 from 1.6?
Have to be honest, but I think that all my STE partitions are about 100MB so I will probably test some sizes out later, but Im sure the normal max is 511MB???

My TT also seems to have a Boot Limit of 256MB and normal Partition sizes are limited to 511MB

The Falcon too! - I hear that many seem to say that the Falcon can access 2GB but the Boto must be 511 or less, and mine has the 511MB on the boot down ok, as I have been booting from a 512MB Compact Flash card just fine for the last few months but I have never been able to read over 1GB without some help ( Magic 6 or BigDOS ).

So, can anyone please fill in the gaps for me on the various STs - Perhaps if a version of say HD-Driver was able to increase something from A to B, then what was it?

Alternatively, if the info is already present, a link would be better.

Many thanks in advance.

 Topics Author  Date
  Partition limits on each Atari = ? new FatRakoon 08-04-2007 05:25 
   RE: Partition limits on each Atari = ? new FatRakoon 08-04-2007 05:28 
    RE: Partition limits on each Atari = ? new jens 08-04-2007 17:59 
     Hmm... Yes. new FatRakoon 08-06-2007 03:38 
     RE: Partition limits on each Atari = ? new JamesD 09-25-2007 12:57 

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