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My CT60 arrived today.

Im 50-50 abotu it, and I was hoping that someone could advise me on a few pointers...

Right, its a CT60, NOT a CT63

I feel half gutted in this because I bought and paid for a 90MHZ accelerator, not a 66MHZ one.

On the other hand, the CT60 required solder work and the CT63 is Plug & Play, and I got the Plug & play side of it... I just removed the PSU, took out a jumper in the way, ( W1? ) slapped this into the Falcon, chucked the first stick of RAM I had to hand into it, switched on the PSU, stuffed a screwdriver into pins 1+2 and it started up... 2 seconds later the VDU Light flickered and then the Falcon boot screen came up...

There was some kind of picture ( Monitor not allowing me to see it properly ) then a similar but different boot screen showed me that it was a CT60 and 66MHZ, then it gave me some IDE BOOT thingy that failed to find anythign IDE then I was presented with a mini-menu asking if I wanted to boot into TOS, MAGIC, or LINUX ???


Annoyingly, they dont seem to make any difference.

The Falcon now seems to boot into STMED RES

Under the MAGIC Option, I cannot change the screen mode, but under TOS I can.

However, SuperBoot now wont display properly and none of my AUTO PRGS / ACCs etc display, and I have to select SPACE twice to switch them on/off and then back off/on again, just to show them up, but nothing seems to play nicely... This might be cured with a simple full install of everything and I fully intend on redoing MiNT at long last, but so far, I have not been able to boot into anything other than ST Medium Rez & TOS.

I understand that Rodolf has had some issues as of late, but I had absolutely nothing other than the CT60 in the post, it was packed up badly and I was a bit iffy on whether it would work at all to be honest.

That silly menu ( TOS/MGC/LNX ) does not seem to be of any use at all, nor does it tryign to find any IDE Devices ( Which it fails to ) and only starting up in STMED are all issues that are bugging me.

Has anyone anything to help me clear up these issues, or am I just going to have to accept it all?

IS it possible for me to boot up into Magic?

Is it possible for SuperBoot or even TOS to start up in anything other than STMED?

Is there something I am missing and it really is 90MHZ and I have forgotten to put the jumper onto it?

I plan on getting the 3xPCI and Ethernet and USB ( Well, I plan on a lot of things but you know me... ) but some things wont happen with the CT60 but are ok with the CT63 ( Apparently? ) so if I have been sent a CT60 then thats wrong isnt it?

Or is this just a quick re-hash of a CT60 to get some out as quickly as poss?

Please advise.

 Topics Author  Date
  CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-29-2007 01:33 
   RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-29-2007 04:04 
    RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Peter 08-29-2007 09:42 
     RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-29-2007 22:53 
      RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new The Paranoid 08-29-2007 23:33 
       RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Anders Eriksson 08-30-2007 17:41 
        RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new The Paranoid 08-30-2007 22:18 
      RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Peter 08-30-2007 11:39 
       RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-30-2007 12:51 
        RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Peter 08-30-2007 13:19 
         RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-30-2007 22:37 
          RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Peter 08-31-2007 11:43 
           RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-31-2007 20:59 
            RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new The Paranoid 08-31-2007 21:57 
             RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 09-01-2007 02:59 
    RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Peter 08-29-2007 09:44 
     RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-29-2007 22:54 
   RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Peter 08-29-2007 09:34 
    RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-29-2007 23:01 
     RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Miro Kropacek 08-30-2007 11:04 
      RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-30-2007 12:58 
     RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Peter 08-30-2007 11:41 
      RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-30-2007 13:04 
       RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Peter 08-30-2007 13:22 
        RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-30-2007 20:34 
         RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Peter 08-30-2007 21:31 
          RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 09-01-2007 03:05 
           RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Peter 09-02-2007 12:27 
            RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 09-03-2007 06:18 
           RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new jens 09-05-2007 10:17 
           RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Peter 09-06-2007 15:38 
       RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Miro Kropacek 08-30-2007 21:29 
        RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-30-2007 22:48 
         RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Miro Kropacek 08-31-2007 11:09 
          RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-31-2007 21:05 
   RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Anders Eriksson 08-30-2007 17:38 
    RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new ToasT 08-30-2007 21:26 
    RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-30-2007 22:03 

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