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i'd like to buy a 2nd hand original ACE MIDI package, including manuals and the works.

If i was rich i would buy a new package directly from Newbeat, but gowd, 750 SEK..

i might also be interested in an original and complete Cubase Audio package.

Anyone have any experience from running Cubase on Magic, and running ACE as a "plugin" via internal MIDI ? Would that even work?

 Topics Author  Date
  second hand ACE MIDI ? new 68040 06-05-2008 16:50 
   RE: second hand ACE MIDI ? new Peter 06-06-2008 11:36 
    RE: second hand ACE MIDI ? new 68040 06-06-2008 17:57 
     RE: second hand ACE MIDI ? new GWiz 06-06-2008 23:47 
      RE: second hand ACE MIDI ? new FatRakoon 07-10-2008 04:07 
       RE: second hand ACE MIDI ? new GWiz 07-11-2008 00:07 
        RE: second hand ACE MIDI ? new FatRakoon 07-17-2008 18:59 
       RE: second hand ACE MIDI ? new 68040 03-29-2009 18:28 
        RE: second hand ACE MIDI ? new GwiZ 04-01-2009 14:06 

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