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Date: -0
Ok guys.
I thought Id risk this but might be somethign worth thinking about.
My Falcon is currently on Compact Flash, but I am moving up to a newer HD soon.
Now, on Ebay I came across a Compact flash adapter that takes SD Cards
Now, given that my 8GB Compact Flash Card cost me £80 and that an 8GB SD Card currently goes for a tenner ( These are rough prices everyone, but the idea is the point rather than actual prices ok ) I decided to get this SD to CF Adapter to see if it works onthe Atari.
It does.
I put in a 128MB Kingston and it boots with HD Driver 8.16
I then tried a 4GB MicroSD Card in a Micro to SD Card Adapter and that also worked fine too...
and I ended up with a 16 GB one and thats also fine.
I also have an IDE Adapter in my TT and thats also able to use it just fine too!
Just a heads up cos SD is so much cheaper than CF