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I bought an Atari 1040STE last week and I've been trying to write the Automation collection to floppies on my PC (Linux) so I can run them on my Atari. It works great with all images that use 82 tracks or less, but quite a few use 83 and even 84 tracks.... It seems that my PC-drive doesn't support 83/84 tracks so I thought that maybe I could write them on my Atari instead. The problem is: I don't have a harddrive on my Atari and they don't fit unzipped on a 720K floppy...
Can I write them on my Amiga instead? I have a HD on that one.. :)
Or can I put a zipped .ST on a 720K floppy, unzip it to RAM on the Atari and the write it back to a floppy?

HELP ME!! :)

 Topics Author  Date
  Writing .ST images to disk... new Per Wigren 11-14-2000 00:51 
   Writing .ST images to disk... (some more info) new Per Wigren 11-14-2000 01:11 
    RE: Writing .ST images to disk... (some more info) new CHN 11-15-2000 03:41 
   RE: Writing .ST images to disk... new Flash 11-15-2000 04:24 
    RE: Writing .ST images to disk... new CHN 11-15-2000 08:04 
     RE: Writing .ST images to disk... new sinner 11-15-2000 20:39 
      RE: Writing .ST images to disk... new CHN 11-15-2000 22:12 
      RE: Writing .ST images to disk... new Flash 11-15-2000 23:38 

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