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I have just had a thought ( No, honestly! )

My TT cannot use the DMA Chip properly!

Its great when using the Sampler Software, and Paula works for playback of MODs, but DeskTracker, and BreakThru both give me trouble?

Now, I know the DMA cannot use TT Ram, that's not the issue here.

But, the programmer of DeskTracker says, that the program runs on EVERY ST/STE/TT and Falcon, except his! - yes, and mine too!

So, there must be other TT owners out there, who have a similar problem?

So, is there a patch for this?

 Topics Author  Date
  TOS Patch for TT & DMA Chip new Damion Jones 11-30-2000 11:07 
   RE: TOS Patch for TT & DMA Chip new Bruce 12-06-2000 07:44 
    RE: TOS Patch for TT & DMA Chip new Damion 12-10-2000 06:57 

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