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As embarassing as this sounds, I don't know how to format a hard drive! I owned a couple of Atari ST's in the late 80's / early 90's and I never had a hard drive, so I never needed to. I am know playing around with Gemulator2000 and I have created an unformatted disk image to use as a virtual HD for the emulator. The problem is that I need to format it with the file system and can't seem to figure out what utility to use or whether I need a HD driver loaded.

Where's the driver... where's the format?

I've looked for hours on the net but since this must be so obvious, nobody has had a reaon to write it down.

Could someone please point a wayward soul in the right direction?

Thanks, Don

 Topics Author  Date
  Whoa! How do you format a hard drive again? new Don Stocks 12-25-2000 18:57 
   ARGH! Get one FIRST!? new Fuji the REAL thing 12-26-2000 00:17 
    RE: ARGH! Get one FIRST!? new Don Stocks 12-26-2000 12:20 
     RE: ARGH! Get one FIRST!? new steve ollett 12-28-2000 04:27 
   RE: Whoa! How do you format a hard drive again? new Damion Jones 12-29-2000 12:51 

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