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Ok, I am wondering on a few things here... They are little bits, but quite annoying.

First off, with KOBOLD 2.5, is there any way, I can force it to ONLY USE STRAM, and not bother with TT RAM?
I ask this, because I use Virtual Memory a lot, and so when I copy/move large chunks, it often fills up the virtual memory, and that means, that its both unreliable, and takes more than twice as long as it should!.

Does anyone know how to get the Spectre GCR to work on the TT's SCSI Drives? - Its great on the ACSI, via TopLink, but it wont run on the SCSI, so, any takers for that?

Replacement Floppy Drives:-
I want a 1.4MB Floppy for the TT. Where is the cheapest?
The prices I have been quoted so far, I can buy another PC for!

Failing that, is the any "Current" PC equivalent, that will work on it?

I have heard, that NetScape is available on the Atari!
I have a suspicion, someone was confused with CAB being a NetScape Clone, so whats the deal here?

Anyone fancy a swap!
I have 5 spare CDROMS, all working perfectly, but they are all double speed, so they are slow as hell! - Does anyone want to trade? They get all 5 of these, for one, that is faster?

My Phone number is 01492 515 163 or EMail me.

 Topics Author  Date
  Atari stuff - misc new Damion 01-06-2001 15:42 
   RE: Atari stuff - misc new Fredrik 01-07-2001 06:24 
    RE: Atari stuff - misc new Damion 01-07-2001 08:25 
   RE: Atari stuff - misc new LST of LaserForce 01-07-2001 21:43 

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