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hey, I'm a former Atari 520 STe owner but now I have a PC (slow 120MHz) with Win 95 on.... I loved the game grampa and the quest for the holy vest (and it's sequal). I wondered if I can get it for Win 95 without using an emulator! or if it is possible for the Acorn Archemidies (the ones often used in schools.... now going out for PC's). I miss the old STe, running STOS, with a hard-drive :) I'll have to get the specs from my dad (he's got it in his loft..... what a waste!!). Maybe I could set it up along-side the Acorn so I can share the moniter ( I've got 1 for the PC... 1 for the Atari which my dad has..... and the Acorn doesn't have one, I got it second hand from a school where my mum works). You've most probably stopped reading my ramblings because they are coming from a sad (16-yr old) male who loves computers and is sad to throw allmost anything ('cept junk!) away..... if you are still reading, and you have anything that may help me (not with the words: 'get a life' or 'jerk' or 'twat' in it!.... I know you want to!! :P ) then please reply, you'll see me around here from time to time from now on.... see you all!

 Topics Author  Date
  game: grampa and the quest for the holy vest new Computer Whizz 01-13-2001 11:08 
   RE: game: grampa and the quest for the holy vest new shalroth 01-13-2001 13:49 

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