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Hello there you rabble of rowdy rebels...

I have a silly, and annoying problem...

With Jinnee v2.5, every second time I either copy, move or delete anything, it crashes! - not just a little one either! - it has not done any dammage yet, as it crashes as soon as I let the button go, but its still a problem.

I am using Magic v5 on an Atari TT ( 20MB ).

It does this no matter what programs I have, or dont have, but I am using the VFAT FileSystem for Long Filenames, and NO, there are no illegal names at all?

Any suggestions?
What about anything like HD Driver settings? - I have been through a few, but re-booting is a long boring process after a while! ( Maybe I should disable NVDI, after all checking 300 truetype fonts every reboot is ridiculous! )

Also, under THING, is there anything about what is the maximum size of a partition it can handle? - My Drive J: is a 1GB ( DOS FORMATTED ) Drive, and I cannot even rename the icon, even though it reads the directories????

 Topics Author  Date
  Jinnee crashes on second copy? new Damion Jones 02-01-2001 12:13 
   RE: Jinnee crashes on second copy? new Lex van Sante 02-02-2001 08:26 
    RE: Jinnee crashes on second copy? new Damion Jones 02-02-2001 09:30 

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