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Ok, a really awkward one here...

I cannot use the TT to defrag my hard disks anymore!

There are a couple of issues here, that go with it...

1. I use MAGIC's VFAT System so I have Long Filenames.
Now, as the drives are standard format anyway, this should NOT be a problem should it? - But, listen to this...

2. I also need to format a pair of 1GB Drives, and a 3.2GB Drive!

HA! - Now its getting nasty!

The snag is, that I have a few programs that will seemingly attempt to defrag the drives, but it always crashes! - annoyingly HD Optimiser even displays the info about the long filenames, but loses the info, and then crashes!!

So, what have I done to remedy this?

Well, the only viable option, is to chuck my drives into the PC's.

I do have the larger ones partitioned as DOS without the TOS compatibility mode for such a reason, and I can use Bindoze on the Celeron for those, and the TOS ones, I use Linux on the AMD ( Windows is shit, so I dont want to risk the TOS Disks ).

This, as you can probably see, takes me the best part of 4 or 5 hours to do, so is there a defragger that will cure this?

Dont say copy them around to make up the space... I did it once.... it took me weeks, and Kobold doesnt seem to like Long Filenames either! ( Why then does Jinnee offer Kobold to use them? - maybe that's Kobold 3? )

 Topics Author  Date
  Defragging my HD's - I cant? new Damion Jones 02-01-2001 14:34 
   RE: Defragging my HD's - I cant? new Lex van Sante 02-02-2001 08:20 
    RE: Defragging my HD's - I cant? new Flash 02-04-2001 13:54 
     RE: Defragging my HD's - I cant? new Damion Jones 02-04-2001 15:35 

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