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i want to code a routine to change then Falcon's resolution to True Color Mode in a VGA monitor. I'm doig in assembler and using the XBIOS call "Vsetmode".
But i don't know wy whatever resolution i set whit this call, always the screen moves and behaves like when you try to watch a RGB demo in a VGA monitor.
I think it's a problem of my VGA monitor, because i also have the same problems with programs like "Whip!" that should work on VGA monitors and it doesn't in mine.
Any idea why doesn't work this call?
May be not all VGA monitors work fine with Videl chip?

But i also think that many demos work fine in my hardware when i load them from 640x400 16 colours and tey change to True Color Mode by them self.

What kind of method tey use to change between resolutions?

Thanks in advanced.

 Topics Author  Date
  VSetmode XBIOS call new D Galvez 02-19-2001 05:39 
   RE: VSetmode XBIOS call new Anders Eriksson 02-23-2001 07:36 
    RE: VSetmode XBIOS call new D Galvez 02-24-2001 01:18 

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