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Here's the setup:

I haven't used an Atari in about 14 years, and when I did, it had no hard disc drive. I now own a few ST's with hard drives, and have NO idea how to get them booting. I downloaded the AHDI 6.06 suggested in the ST Quick FAQ and I can't make a go of it. A typical machine is a Mega ST 4 with a Megafile 30. I have formatted, partitioned, jumped through all the hoops listed in the text file, and it still doesn't boot. It works fine if I boot off the floppy it tells me how to create, but if I boot with no floppy I get a white screen and nothing else. Floppy light stays on forever. (there is perhaps a 1/8th second flash of the HD light at first, then nothing) Can someone either point me to a COMPLETE idiots guide to doing this, or at least point me to a quiet place to bang my head against the wall? Any help much appreciated.

 Topics Author  Date
  TOTAL newbie question on HDD's new Steve Wineberg 04-24-2001 05:44 
   RE: TOTAL newbie question on HDD's new Flash 04-24-2001 17:03 
   OOOoopsss!! new Flash 04-24-2001 17:29 
    RE: OOOoopsss!! new Steve Wineberg 04-25-2001 01:49 
   RE: TOTAL newbie question on HDD's new Steve Wineberg 04-25-2001 01:52 

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