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Hi guys,

I'm an Atari user just like all of you. And I would like to see the Atari(TOS/GEM, MagiC) world as something more "respected". Let me explain what I'm trying to say:

We all know that in the Atari world we have all the necessary tools to make docs, play games and surf the net. CAB, Atari ICQ, Papyrus and a lot more are good examples. Now, If there's a lot of people still working on making Atari compatible computers, applications, games, operating systems, etc... why the Atari world is still considered as an oldie in the computer world? As far as I can see, here we have a very active community using Cab to browse the Net and Papyrus to write RTF documents. The number of applications for the Atari is increasing day to day... but I cannot say the same about the number of users.

So, why you Atari developers doesn't see free software as an alternative for your proyects? Free apps with source code would help many people to get closer to the Atari world. I know that programmers need something to eat every day, but you can still sell your programs... I mean, you can release a free version of your app with limited features.

If someone wants to start working on a Atari plataform, the first step will be get an Atari compatible computer (or MagicPC/Mac). The second step would be start sending money from here to there to get the Apps wich makes the same functions of many free alternatives in the PC world. So how we convince someone that the Atari plataform is the best alternative to suit his needs? It is not! That's why I think that Atari/free software would be a great combination...

We are in the Internet era. If we (the users) want something, we do it togheter...

Well, think about it. I think that free software/open source is the future of the software (I don't know if I'm really happy with this). That model would help the Atari world a lot.


PS: Yeah, I know that there are many free apps for the Atari. But the most important ones are commercial. The worst thing of all is that if I want to make a good free App, I have to buy a commercial GFABasic or Magic SDK..... The main basic tools for every user are not free.

 Topics Author  Date
  Why not free software? new Trax 05-22-2001 17:00 
   RE: Why not free software? new Brian Van Tilborg 05-22-2001 17:40 
    RE: Why not free software? new TC Steve 05-23-2001 00:13 
     RE: Why not free software? new Brian Van Tilborg 05-23-2001 19:56 
     RE: Why not free software? new Murdoc Addams 05-23-2001 23:49 
     RE: Why not free software? new KGB 05-28-2001 06:50 
      RE: Why not free software? new Fenix 05-28-2001 21:30 
   RE: Why not free software? new Matthias 05-22-2001 23:52 
    RE: Why not free software? new Fenix 05-28-2001 21:31 
     RE: Why not free software? new TC Steve 05-28-2001 22:58 
      RE: Why not free software? new Damion Jones 05-28-2001 23:38 
       RE: Bill gates new Murdoc Addams 05-29-2001 00:38 
        RE: Bill gates new Damion Jones 05-29-2001 05:28 
         RE: Bill gates new shalroth 05-29-2001 12:26 
          RE: Bill gates new Murdoc Addams 05-29-2001 23:03 
          RE: Bill gates new Brian Van Tilborg 05-30-2001 00:49 
           RE: Bill gates new Damion Jones 05-30-2001 01:32 
            RE: Bill gates new Murdoc Addams 05-30-2001 04:33 
             RE: Bill gates new Damion Jones 05-31-2001 04:08 
              RE: Bill gates new Sinner 05-31-2001 09:52 
               RE: Bill gates new Murdoc Addams 05-31-2001 19:14 
   RE: Why Not? - Well.... new Damion Jones 05-25-2001 00:26 
    RE: Why Not? - Well.... new Trax 05-25-2001 04:34 
     RE: Why Not? - Well.... new Mill 05-26-2001 02:09 
      RE: Why Not? - Well.... new Trax 05-26-2001 03:39 
       Re: Trax - Re: Damion new Mill 05-27-2001 00:59 
        Re: Trax - Re: Damion new Trax 05-27-2001 17:02 
         Re: Trax - Re: Damion new nick 05-27-2001 23:48 
          Re: Trax - Re: Damion new Parris 05-28-2001 01:31 
           Re: Trax - Re: Damion new Damion Jones 05-28-2001 04:10 
            Re: Trax - Re: Damion new Damion Jones 05-28-2001 04:17 
             Re: Trax - Re: Damion new Sinner 05-29-2001 08:57 
              Re: Trax - Re: Damion new Damion Jones 05-30-2001 01:45 
             Re: Trax - Re: Damion new Brian Van Tilborg 05-30-2001 01:05 
          Re: Trax - Re: Damion new Trax 05-28-2001 04:14 
           Re: Trax - Re: Damion new Damion Jones 05-28-2001 04:43 
            Re: Trax - Re: Damion new Trax 05-28-2001 04:51 
             Re: Trax - Re: Damion new Damion Jones 05-28-2001 05:09 
              Re: Trax - Re: Damion new nick 05-28-2001 09:59 
              All of the above and less... new Parris 05-28-2001 22:19 
      RE: Why Not? - Well.... new Damion Jones 05-26-2001 20:26 
       Actually... new Fenix 05-28-2001 21:37 
        RE: Actually... new Damion Jones 05-28-2001 23:13 
         RE: Actually... (to end the debate on 386s) new TC Steve 05-29-2001 02:49 
          RE: Actually... (to end the debate on 386s) new Damion Jones 05-29-2001 05:04 
           RE: Actually... (to end the debate on 386s) new shalroth 05-29-2001 11:22 
            RE: Actually... (to end the debate on 386s) new Damion Jones 05-30-2001 01:27 
            RE: Actually... (to end the debate on 386s) new Fat Rakoon 06-01-2001 23:32 
   RE: Why not free software? new Brian Van Tilborg 05-30-2001 01:09 

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