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Hello, folks!

Last week I removed the dust from my Mega 2 STe and I switched it on: all worked perfectly, of course!! So, what is the problem?

How can I connect my Mega ST to the Net? (provided that I have a modem and the first version of IC-InterComm - somebody remebers?)

More: once I will connect, how can I download HTML pages and view them on my STe?

Thanx in advance 2 all the people who will answer me.


 Topics Author  Date
  Browser 4 Mega 2 STe new Mill 05-29-2001 23:08 
   RE: Browser 4 Mega 2 STe new Brian Van Tilborg 05-30-2001 00:21 
    RE: Browser 4 Mega 2 STe new Mill 05-30-2001 13:11 
    RE: Browser 4 Mega 2 STe new Mill 05-30-2001 13:12 
     RE: Browser 4 Mega 2 STe new Ragstaff 05-30-2001 13:59 
      RE: Browser 4 Mega 2 STe new Brian Van Tilborg 05-30-2001 23:48 
       RE: Browser 4 Mega 2 STe new Mill 05-30-2001 23:56 

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