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Here is a translation of a message I sent to the Director of Infogrames business develoment. It is in full, and perhaps it will spark off a response, maybe not...

I am contacting you on behalf of a number of Atari forums World-Wide. Whatever the outcome of this particular series of communications between us, they shall be posted onto several Atari forums and chat rooms as a means of informing other users. By now it must be clear to you precisely why I am contacting you. Infogrames recently purchased the brand name 'Atari' from 'Hasbro', and a very anxious community of Atari users is waiting with baited breath as to whether Infogrames (or any other parties) are interested in making any new investment in the Atari sphere. You may or may not be aware that the Atari computer remains one of a very select few 'older' computers that are still highly regarded, sought after and utilised within for a number of applications. Personally I use several Atari ST's within a MIDI studio. These machine were perfect for this field, and ideally suited to hard, long work without much maintenance and margins of error. It is with this in mind that a HUGE number of Atari users around the Globe persist with chat rooms, forums and specific communications regarding these machines. Thus I am contacting your company in order to see whether some form of general statement can be made to these forums / Atari groups in order to allay speculation, rumours and hope that perhaps after many years of being kept in the dark, that indeed Atari is going to be offered new development. I realise that this information may be classified, or as yet Infogrames may not be entirely sure as to the direction they wish to take this brand. May it be possible to open some channel of communication with Inforgrames as regards to this latest development? I am not the person responsible, or elected as a spokesperson, but a very concerned, interested party. It is perhaps wiser for Infogrames to contact a more official Atari communications body such as or with information. I am however just the catalyst perhaps for this discussion,
Many thanks indeed for this opportunity,

And I signed off here...

I'm not a terribly officious person, hope that this doesn't sound rubbish...

 Topics Author  Date
  Infogrames & Atari new Parris 06-09-2001 03:37 
   RE: Infogrames & Atari new Mintboy 06-09-2001 04:43 
   RE: Infogrames & Atari new Joshua Kaijankoski 06-09-2001 05:48 
   RE: Infogrames & Atari new Murdoc Addams 06-09-2001 11:28 
    RE: Infogrames & Atari new shalroth 06-12-2001 13:37 
   RE: Infogrames & Atari new FatRakoon 06-09-2001 23:57 
    RE: Infogrames & Atari new Mintboy 06-10-2001 17:06 
     RE: Infogrames & Atari new Parris 06-10-2001 17:24 
      RE: Infogrames & Atari new Parris 06-11-2001 03:32 
       RE: Infogrames & Atari new Parris 06-11-2001 16:21 
   RE: Infogrames & Atari new Parris 06-11-2001 17:09 
    RE: Infogrames & Atari new Murdoc Addams 06-12-2001 00:41 

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