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I need some help for a change :)

I have a Siemens S25 cellphone attached via data cable to my Falcon's serial port. Using programs like Uniterm I can query the modem in the phone, and even dial out, the settings that work are 19200BPS, RTS/CTS handshaking, 8 databits, 1 stop bit and no parity. This works fine.

I have installed HS-MODEM and Sockets from the iConnect package, and created a new dialup config in iConf, with all the correct point-of-presence details (I use 915000, which is a shortcode for my cellular network's WAP host, this isn't the problem, I use that with Windows [Ugh] and the protocols are fine).

When I configure the correct settings for the modem and try to connect, I get GEMDOS error 64, cannot configure port (z. B. dateiname ist zu lange). If I don't use RTS/CTS handshaking I don't get the error, but the modem never connects. I don't have a regular hardline to try a regular modem with :(

Is it just a problem with HSmodem? My version dates to around 1994. The Serial port seems to be configured OK ,I match the settings in iConf with those in the XControl panel.



 Topics Author  Date
  iConnect problems with Falcon new Shalroth 07-13-2001 16:11 
   RE: iConnect problems with Falcon new cyril 07-21-2001 11:14 

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