1. Is there a poke to turn off the keyboard click or do I have to resort to unplugging the internal speaker (and is this safe?)
After a bit of jiggery pokery and part swapping I've ended up with a mint working PAL Atari 800. What's left over is an NTSC Atari 800 in a battered case. Anyway I bought a power converter to step the voltage down to 110volts..etc, connected the US transformer to it and the US machine worked perfectly for about 20 minutes.
Then the transformer packed up.
2. Question is: Do I have to get a US power supply to get it working again, or can I use a UK Atari's power supply. I know this sounds daft, but the power circuitry inside the UK and US machines looks identical - capacitance and resistor values...etc (to my untrained eye). This made me think that maybe the uk supply would work.