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Hello. I'm not a regular user of these forums, but after an exhaustive search of the internet, I didn't know where else to turn. So hopefully you people can help me.

I'm trying to find out if there is a way to load my old Atari 8-Bit BASIC type-ins into an emulator such as Atari800Win? (With software only. No patch cables or original hardware.)

I know about WAV2CAS, and I have successfully converted a couple of my type-ins into .CAS files, but the Atari800Win emu only seems to be able to load self-executing BINARY .CAS files, not the type where you actually have to type "CLOAD" and "RUN"!

I was so excited when I found out about the prospect of an Atari tape drive emulator, then so let down when I couldn't load in all the wonderful old games I either created myself or programmed-in from magazines when I was a teen. Of course my old Atari hardware is long broken and gone, but the cassettes have been in storage and just recently rediscovered.

Thanks for your responses in advance.

 Topics Author  Date
  Loading BASIC type-ins from a cassette into an emu new Jason Hornischfeger 09-06-2004 05:06 
   RE: Loading BASIC type-ins from a cassette into an new Fox-1 09-29-2004 06:55 

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