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Hi. Well, I'm just getting into Atari, I played it as a child, but being as a nostalgic person I am, I'm getting into Atari now as an adult. Actually, yesterday I picked up my Atari 2600 at a thrift store. It has the little black box power supply and the wire that comes from inside the system to hook into the back of the TV. My system came with quite a few games, the two joysticks, the two paddles, and all the game manuals, but unfortunately no manuals from the system on how to hook it up. I have a pretty new TV, so I know I'm going to need some kind of adapter to hook my Atari up to my TV, since my TV only has a hole in the back for cable. I just need to know what I'll need to hook up my 2600 to my TV. If someone could tell me most or everything I might need, I'd really appreciate it. I'll check back on the board, but I prefer emails. Many thanks in advance to those who read this and help me.