I have networked my Mega4 with the Ethernec ethernet boad.
It is easy to build (i breadboarde it instead of having a board made)
I used all common parts scavenged off of an old isa ide/io.
The only part that wasn't desoldered off of the ide/io was the bit of perf board I stuck everything to.
Drivers take up only 3kb of memory and under Mint+mintnet I get 100kbyte per second throughput.
The ethernec ethernet project is a HUGE WIN guys.
(in case you are wondering how I 'plugged it into my cartridge port without the ethernic-suggested adapter card, I just cut off a chunk of an old 40-pin ide ribbon cable and soldered it to the port on the mainboard. This leaves a six-inch cable 'tail'
with a female header at the end to which the ethernec board jacks in.
This projet is THE ideal networking solution for ANY ST computer.
I'm on my mega right now leaving this note using:
500mb scsi hard disk (internal)
ICD LinkII scsi adapter
EtherNec network board
RT8019 isa ne2000 clone
Mintnet v.15pl
Aes 4.1
Cab web browser v2.8