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My Falcon has issues that are probably down to the SCSI DMA problem.

I use CuBase Audio

I DONT do D2D, however, I do use AIF Samples and with the small experimental mess-about tests I have done, they seem to play back just fine.

I currently use a Compact Flash adapter and a couple of Compact Flash cards ( 512MB + 4GB ) and they seem to work just fine under HDDriver 8

Now, HD-Driver 8 isnt supposed to be able to work with CuBase Audio is it? - HOW? - Mine works just fine there, or is it only with D2D?

Am I safe or have I just now hit the problem yet?

At this moment, I am backing up my CF Cards to a 4GB SCSI Drive and I will be then copying the data back, to a brand new IDE Drive... Its awkward because the number of times its hung due to this DMA issue, is shocking... easily 30 or 40 times during my transfers over the last couple of days.

Anyway, I am also thinking of going back to HD-Driver 7.8 because v8 is supposed to have issues, but will I need to? I dont know?

Anyway, what am I on about? I dont know?

Basically, I dont do D2D, I do use the Sample playback, I dont need to stick to SCSI then, so, will CuBase Audio be ok with HD-Driver v8?

 Topics Author  Date
  CAF / HDDR8 / SCSi v IDE new Damion 07-29-2007 16:35 

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