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I've bought one of the Phantom SE accelerator/clock upgrade kits from Ctirad. I've not got round to installing the accelerator/buffer yet, as my home machine already has a Nemesis in it and I haven't had a chance to get the Falcon from the Studio (which is where the accelerator is going), however as my home machine is recased in a box that doesn't offer access to the DSP port (big old PC case I've hacked mercilessly), I decided to put the 44kHz internal clock in it, as I use a Jam-Clock on the studio machine (which is in a standard case). Installation was fairly painless, one of the targets for soldering is a bit on the small side (it's a via..) but it all fitted OK, I glued the module into place with some hot-melt adhesive, solderred the three wires up and gave it a quick run-through...Aniplayer 2.1 latched onto it immediately for playing MP3's, I'll give FalcAmp a go as soon as I get a few moments to play, but I expect it to be fine....
As soon as I have a chance I'll get the accelerator/buffer into the Studio looks very much like the Nemesis installation, which I've done but it was a bit scary when I sat down at first.....hopefully the buffer will bring the SCSI tolerance of the studio machine up to the spec of the home one....the only differences between the motherboards is the Nemesis and they are really like two different machines as a result ...


 Topics Author  Date
  Success with some Phantom stuff new Chris Crosskey 09-26-2000 05:44 
   RE: Success with some Phantom stuff new Chris Crosskey 09-28-2000 00:39 

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