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Anyone with docs for OR experience from this graphics card?

It works very good, giving me 1280X960 on an
SM194 19" monitor. Now, here´s the problem:

On the card, next to the Megabus connector,
there´s an empty processor slot. Could be for
either a FPU or an 16MHZ 68HC000, since
there´s a 16MHZ quartz osc. next to the slot.

Dropped an 68882 in, but Sysinfo.prg says
"no FPU". Swapped FPU with the Falc, just to
be sure. Same result, and BOTH ´82s shows
with Sysinf on the Falc, so both are ok. hmm...

Tried with an 68HC000 -16, but then the Mega
won´t start at all. Not even the fan, there was
just this scary "emergency, shortcircuit!!"
humming sound. Took out the CPU and tested
it in a STE, and PHEW! it survived. So did the
Mega and the card too, but i still don´t know
what that slot is for... Any1 who does?



 Topics Author  Date
  Viking card in Mega4 ST new Flash 09-30-2000 22:13 
   RE: Viking card in Mega4 ST new Chris Crosskey 10-01-2000 00:37 
    RE: Viking card in Mega4 ST new Flash 10-01-2000 01:02 
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    RE: Viking card in Mega4 ST new Flash 10-01-2000 22:03 
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   RE: Viking card in Mega4 ST new Jo Even Skarstein 10-03-2000 03:38 
   RE: Viking card in Mega4 ST new zappa 12-10-2000 02:25 

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