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One of the things I have noticed, is that among the many art packages I have ( And I have a massive selection ) Nothing I have, is actually any use to me.

Can anyone suggest a good package?

It can be PD, Shareware, or Commercial it does not matter ( Good quality Shareware is obviously better )

But it needs to be able to work under Multitasking, and in weird resolutions like 800x600x65k. It also has to have a good selection of tools, not just box, and ruddy circle!.

Also Truetype font support, like TruePaint would be good.

I am sure that you know what I mean - The best way I can do things, is by using Gimp on the Linux box, and then sending it to the TT, but surely there are some good Atari Packages out there!

For this, I would be extremely grateful.


 Topics Author  Date
  Art Packages! new Damion Jones 02-16-2001 08:20 
   RE: Art Packages! new David Barkin 02-16-2001 10:45 
    RE: Art Packages! new Damion Jones 02-16-2001 11:20 
     RE: Art Packages! new Darren 02-16-2001 16:34 
      RE: Art Packages! new Bob 02-17-2001 04:29 
       RE: Art Packages! new Damion Jones 02-17-2001 08:16 
      RE: Art Packages! new Damion Jones 02-17-2001 08:15 
       RE: Art Packages! new Darren 02-17-2001 17:16 
        RE: Art Packages! new Damion Jones 02-18-2001 04:32 
   RE: Art Packages! new Anders Eriksson 02-17-2001 05:45 
    RE: Art Packages! new Damion Jones 02-17-2001 08:25 

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