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well from a purely business point of view microsoft rule they 'do' crush the compition hehe there products however..........................

oh well i tried 'be os' and was very much wanting to move from the ATARI to the pc using that cos a while back it looked like a very good idea for music software , but then the people at beos in there wisdom decided not to go the route they were going and all the music software people said 'uumm no!' so that was that forked
and anyway i couldnt get a driver for my graphics card ---this was a while ago when 32 meg graphic cards were a bit thin on the ground :) so it only run in black and white . not that that is a problem i suppose but when your running a pc you WANT a little colour to make up for everything else hehe -- anyway ive got fork all done to day i got into net meeting (ms product!) with me bro. whose in hull and he could see the week old goats out side but the downside of dayold goats is that there mammys want milking and the cats and the hens plus the goats need moving aaaargh! anyway feeding time took ANOTHER 2 bloody hours then I had to start into feeding meself! Had a read of computer shopper and seen on the free disc a prog. for 'reading' text so I thought 'ah ha - I have the floppy shop CDs I'll get some mark twain off the disc mag section and record the pc 'reading' it onto MiniDisc and the next time I have a long bus trip .... see pcs DO have there uses'

ooooooohhhhhhhhh boy was I wrong in thinking it was gonna be simple!

I have two STEs only one with a CDrom but somethings up with the monitor so i took the monitor down to the studio and tried it in there -nothing- ok says I tryed swaping the leads round - you guessed it -nothing- put the leads back -nothing- aaaaaarrrrrggghh! dont tell me Ive blown the studio monitor <frantic> what the FoRk am I gonna do panic weep etc. So ok I'd calmed down a wee bit and tryed again -noting- by this time I'm up for a fight anybody'll do <pref. someone I can kill and wont be missed :^)> So what you gonna do now Mr. fukking SMART!
Give it ONE more go ok take it slow check EVERYTHING like what way the 13 pin socket goes in make sure it goes in the RIGHT way round! doh! doh!doh! NOW of course it works . is there a moral ummm yes just cos you see a pc program that might be fun it doesnt always follow that it will be!!

Well I did fine the stuff on the floppyshop CDs but had to use the pc so it took longer haha (no the atari would have been using the reader that came with it)
anyway I install the 'readplease' software and try to get my chosen text into the 'reader' guess what.........-nothing-
well to cut a long story even longer
i messed around (see how i waste my days) and got it to work and .... it sound crappy better than the one that came with my sound card but still crappy , will I use it ? mm probly but only cos the whole thing gave me a hard time and I dont want it to get the better of me!
any way the goats will soon need milked again grr oh and guess what . I'm on a special diet at the mo. and I'm not alloud milk!!!
life eh it just keeps happening!!!!!!

thanx for listening you have been a wonderful audience, sorry for the no doubt plentyful seepling mistakes oh and bye the way in case anyone is fearful of my sanity YESTERDAY was prob. THE BEST day EVER I got some flash new equipment for my studio was like XMAS when I was little

bye bye play safe folks
ps do I get a prize for 'the longest bloody post ever'??????? ;^)

 Topics Author  Date
  for Damion jones re microsoft new trendannoyer 04-28-2001 22:24 
   RE: for Damion jones re microsoft new David Barkin 04-29-2001 03:16 
    RE: for Damion jones re microsoft new Damion Jones 04-29-2001 03:28 
   RE: for Damion jones re microsoft new Damion Jones 04-29-2001 03:47 
    hells teeth new trendannoyer 04-29-2001 11:39 
     RE: hells teeth new Damion 04-29-2001 22:06 
      ooo heck! new trendannoyer 05-02-2001 03:05 
       RE: ooo heck! new Damion Jones 05-02-2001 04:44 
        bleeding gums new trendannoyer 05-02-2001 13:39 

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