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Ok, I got it all together this morning, but the STE I was using keeps taking the PSU Fuse out, and I am now out of fuses. ( And probably PSU's if this keeps going! ) - Anyway, I will use a PC PSU tomorrow unless of course its the STE that is the problem?

However, although I have run some tests on the TT, using SCSI and ACSI, I have found, that on some drives its faster on SCSI, but only some! - some drives are actually slower!

Also, I have found a major difference between the SCSI and ACSI on the TT.

Now, I know that ACSI is not true SCSI, just "compatible with", and this has been proved to me now.

I have a Fujitsu 400MB HD that was in the TT when I had it ( Some of you may know the model ) and it had bad sectors all over it, so I formatted it, and some more appeard some time later, now I have been using it on the Linux Machine without a single problem, but I tried to get it onto the ST, and no way? - However, it runs on the TT quite happily, so, I tried the TOPLINK on the TT, but no luck?

So, it runs on SCSI, but it tells me there is no bad sectors list on ACSI.

Just somethign to think about - unless you dont want to that is?!

Ok - thats it.

 Topics Author  Date
  The HD-Speed List new Damion 06-05-2001 01:52 
   RE: The HD-Speed List new Brian Van Tilborg 06-05-2001 05:29 
    RE: The HD-Speed List new shalroth 06-05-2001 13:04 
     RE: The HD-Speed List new Jan Thomas 06-06-2001 13:27 
      RE: The HD-Speed List new shalroth 06-06-2001 14:39 
      RE: The HD-Speed List new Damion 06-07-2001 22:06 
    RE: The HD-Speed List new Damion 06-05-2001 20:53 

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