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I have serious problems with my recently bought Cubase Audio Falcon 2.06;
It simply won't run stable and crashes everytime; I couldn't find any reason why it crashes except for somebody who told me that the internal falcon scsi-hardware needs to be patched.
Somebody else told me that the cubase audio clock could cause such problems. Letting the clock off from the dsp-port does't solve the problem though.

On the other hand I found out that there ARE software patches for cubase audio, but I didn't find anyone who uses/knows them.

I also tried several different setups but there is no difference whether there are some auto-folder-proggies or not.

My current hardware status is: falcon030 with 68881, standard 16 MHz, 540 MB IDE harddisk; Cubase Audio 2.06 with dongle, clock etc...

Greetings, Alex

 Topics Author  Date
  Cubase Crash, Falcon Patch? new Alex from Mannheim 07-05-2001 12:47 
   RE: Cubase Crash, Falcon Patch? new Thomas Bergstrom 07-05-2001 13:54 

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