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Hi! Like a few other people who have regularly read through material in this forum, I was wondering what happened to the much talked about A.I. project (Atari International(e)). For the briefest moment in time it seemed that some members of the Atari community were acting (true to nature) in a wholly unselfish manner in order to establish a 'body' that would help to bring all of the strands of the Atari community together. Then, after a flurry of debate 'PAFF!', 'Whoosh!' It was all over like a mini tornado. My own analysis of the situation may seem a little cynical, but let me play devils advocate for a second. The impression was that certain people who were 'most' talkative, perhaps not active within the formation of A.I. 'appeared' (only appeared, I could be wrong!) to have their own agenda, and own self gratification at heart rather than the common good of all those who use Atari equipment. Personally I felt that A.I. was a very good idea, warranted attention and a great deal of thought. Sites such as this one perform a huge service to us Atari users, and should be commended for what they do. It is a labour of love and here's one person willing to say 'Keep it up!' Added to this though should be an umbrella organisation that could 'group' sites together and push Atari actively. A.I. appeared to be a solution. One of them atleast. It is good to see Fat Rakoon battling on with his project for a P.D. library. So, I say to all those originally involved in A.I. 'Where are you?' and also, why not take another stab at it, but this time try to walk before you run. It was a shame that perhaps the A.I. idea was too quickly hi-jacked, shifted stance and run into the ground before it could really take off! Most of the original people involved really did want to put something together that could work out for everyone. So, come back and let's not allow what happened on the first attempt either raise it's ugly head again, or allow the project to die. The silence from A.I. has been very obvious, and that silence can only mean that something was not going according to plan.

 Topics Author  Date
  The demise of A.I. new Parris 08-10-2001 01:28 
   RE: The demise of A.I. new FatRakoon 08-10-2001 02:52 
    RE: The demise of A.I. new Rob 08-10-2001 02:59 
   RE: The demise of A.I. new Rob 08-10-2001 02:53 
    RE: The demise of A.I. new Parris 08-10-2001 09:53 
     RE: The demise of A.I. new FatRakoon 08-10-2001 19:58 
      RE: The demise of A.I. new Mintboy 08-10-2001 23:27 
       RE: The demise of A.I. new FatRakoon 08-11-2001 02:27 

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