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I've buy a new IDE for my Falcon and I've created two EXT2 partitions (4 GB each). I've re-installed everything and all is OK, but when I want to check the EXT2 partitions, it takes a very long time!

For example, with the partition I: which is 4 GB long and which only contains about 20 MB of data (5375 files). I've measured the checking time (with e2fsck) : about 15 MINUTES ! I must tell I've a non accelerated Falcon, and the speed of my IDE is 2.3 MB/s.

So, if I must repeat the partition checkings every time I reboot when MiNT hangs, it will be very long! Then I think I will create FAT32 partitions instead...

Here is what I see on the screen:

e2fsck 1.14, 9-Jan-1999 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
i was not cleanly unmounted, check forced.
Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
Pass 2: Checking directory structure
Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
Pass 4: Checking reference counts
Pass 5: Checking group summary information
i: 5375/1024000 files (0.5% non-contiguous), 196968/4095999 blocks

Some questions :
1. Is it normal it tooks 15 minutes on a 4 GB partition? If not, why?
2. Have I the last version of e2fsck?
3. If I want to modify these EX2 partitions into FAT32 (even if I must erase them), how can I do, with which tools?

Thank you for your help.


 Topics Author  Date
  EXT2 checking is too long ! new Strider 08-22-2001 15:21 
   RE: EXT2 checking is too long ! new Frank Naumann 08-22-2001 21:09 
    RE: EXT2 checking is too long ! new Strider 08-22-2001 22:52 
     RE: EXT2 checking is too long ! new atarimusicfan 08-23-2001 07:32 
      RE: EXT2 checking is too long ! new Strider 08-27-2001 11:44 

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