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To users of this Board

Recently there was a topic called “Murder in America” which produced a heated discussion of events here in New York. This topic may very well be inappropriate to this board. Of course when the world is falling down around your ears and war involving the whole world may be imminent I would think that those who wish only to talk about their computers should bear with us. Even so, it’s not my board and I can understand if not agree, with terminating the discussion. Personally I felt that the discussion had reached as far as it was going to go and was going to stop posting anyway. But this discussion was terminated without warning and participants were bared from posting on any topic.

When I tried to post in answer to a Calamus question I received the message “you are forbidden to post on this php” (more or less). I thought it was some problem with the board and e-mailed Atari Org. They replied that they were tired of listening to pro and con about Arab Terrorism and choose to terminate the discussion by baring the participants. Of course there was no “pro and con discussion.” It was a confused but fruitful discussion on events which will effect everyone of us and while it’s reasonable to close it out. the method they chose is shameful and disgraceful.

This is my last post on this board until Atari Org apologizes to everyone who they’ve bared.

David Barkin

 Topics Author  Date
  My last post new David Barkin 09-22-2001 19:48 
   RE: My last post new Fat Rakoon 09-23-2001 23:07 
    RE: My last post new Eva 09-24-2001 19:40 
     RE: My last post new Fat Rakoon 09-24-2001 22:41 
      RE: My last post new Eva 09-25-2001 16:31 
   RE: My last post new Fredrik 09-24-2001 15:22 
    RE: My last post new Shalroth 09-24-2001 16:17 
    RE: My last post new Luke 09-24-2001 19:30 
     RE: My last post new Fat Rakoon 09-24-2001 22:46 
     RE: My last post new Anders Eriksson 09-25-2001 00:57 

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