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Hi! I've just been the most stupid idiot on the planet and I really feel 1 inch tall right now, so please refrain from putting the boot in any deeper Atari guys & gals!
A MEGA STe has been annoying me for some time (faulty PSU / SCSI drive that I can't replace / some minor work on internals) so I found a new PSU on eBAY and today tried to replace it. A simple task? Well yes, unless you forget that the FAN sits into the motherboard and COULD (if clumbsy enough) rest on top of two very small components and damage them beyond repair! So, guess what! Yes I did just that... Can anyone repair these units in the UK (Cheaply) as I really want to get it fixed. Can someone also give me some information on the dip-switching so that I can try to remove this SCSI and insert a new one. I can't get ANY SCSI to register properly. Oh, and does anyone know where I can get TOS chips for this from? It currently has German ones. Thanks folks! I'm off to weep (but not gently!)

 Topics Author  Date
  Damaged my MEGA STe ! HELP! new Parris 09-25-2001 15:17 
   RE: Damaged my MEGA STe ! HELP! new LST 09-25-2001 16:15 
    RE: Damaged my MEGA STe ! HELP! new Parris 09-25-2001 22:31 
     RE: Damaged my MEGA STe ! HELP! new LST 09-25-2001 22:55 
      RE: Damaged my MEGA STe ! HELP! new Jan Thomas 09-26-2001 14:45 
       RE: Damaged my MEGA STe ! HELP! new Parris 09-26-2001 21:16 

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