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This msg is directed to the thread below, but I thought I wouldn't write anything more on it because it wouldn't be noticed.

No, I'm not going to rave on about technical specifacations and arguments. I'd just like to say that you are a bunch of dweebs! Why come here if your so nuts about Amigas?
Ever since the beginning Amiga people have had some inferiority complex where they have to prove how great they are. Why don't you just bugger off and leave us alone?
I think it's bloody obvious that in the year 2000 anyone who's using an ST or TOS based machine is doing it for the fun, because we want to. There has been technology far superior to your crappy Amigas and our frail Ataris for years. There's nothing you can say that will make us all of a sudden jump platforms.
What it comes down to is this. A machine is just a bit of hardware. We could have had the exact same box with "commodore" written on it, or "Atari", it doesn't matter. It's the scene on that computer. Your example on this site speaks in no better words than I could of what the Amiga scene is like. That's why we never liked it.
Just a theory, but I think that because the ST was cheaper, it was the type of computer a kid could save up for, or his/her poor parents could get them for Christmas. The Amiga was a spoilt little rich kids toy.
Finally, in the first message it was said that the Amiga games were far better emulated than the ST. THAT"S NOT THE POINT. If you want better graphics go play Quake3.


 Topics Author  Date
  AMIGAS ARE CRAP new Ragstaff 01-30-2000 18:00 
   RE: AMIGAS ARE CRAP new Torbjörn J. 01-31-2000 09:37 
    RE: AMIGAS ARE CRAP new Ragstaff 02-01-2000 23:36 
     RE: AMIGAS ARE CRAP new Doctor Clu 02-03-2000 01:32 
      AMIGAS ARE not CRAPpier than Ataris :) new drizzt.tnb 02-09-2000 03:39 
       RE: AMIGAS ARE not CRAPpier than Ataris :) new Klip Lee 02-10-2000 12:29 
        RE: AMIGAS ARE not CRAPpier than Ataris :) new drizzt.tnb 02-14-2000 02:41 
        RE: AMIGAS ARE not CRAPpier than Ataris :) new Alaindn 04-27-2000 12:00 
      RE: AMIGA VS Atari ST new NW 07-07-2000 20:10 
   RE: AMIGAS ARE CRAP new Shalroth 06-29-2000 12:06 
   RE: AMIGAS ARE CRAP new Twilite Zoner 07-21-2000 11:59 
    RE: AMIGAS ARE CRAP new Lord CB 07-23-2000 03:19 
     RE: AMIGAS ARE CRAP new Shalroth 07-24-2000 03:47 

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