Author: elliot (
Date: 09-28-2002 19:17
This looks good, I have a list of all the regists but I have no idea how to use them.
I think I may try Timer B first and then move onto HBL if need be. It should not be too hard to adapt should it?
So I should be able to get the thing to interupt at the start of the scan line yes? Is that at the very left or when the screen starts to be displayed?
All I need to do then is set some registers (only 8 or so) and then the prog can return to normal stuff. You can see were I am going with this, 16 colours a scan line, but I want to do some other things too.
In doing this will the CPU time be killed by all the interupting? It actually only needs to interupt at say the top of the normal displayed screen (i.e not the top boarder), and then stop at about 100 lines down.
If you have some code to do this then I would love a copy if possible. If you also have some standard code to drop the CPU into super, save the colour pallete, wait for space to exit, etc, etc then I will buy you a drink.
To get it rock solid, is there anyway to test something when interupted to aline it all back (in the event of intensive commands).
Thanks for your help.