Author: The Paranoid (spock.Chemie.Uni-Mainz.DE)
Date: 10-04-2002 10:03
That is an unusual problem. Never heard anything like it until now.
It is probably a TOS problem since autobooting runs well. However, i don't see how the TOS-ROM could take this kind of damage. It might also be a screwed up CMOS, but i think that is rather unlikely.
You maybe should disconnect your harddisk and boot from a disk with ALT pressed.
If you cannot access the disk then either, you should maybe auto-boot a TOS-disk.
Surely someone here has an auto-booting TOS 4.92 disk and can either copy or MSA that for you (I do have a copy, but only god knows where).
If the diskdrive then refuses to work, i doubt this Falcon can be repaired easily.
The Paranoid