Author: replicant (
Date: 12-06-2002 00:07
hey, don't get p*ssed off on me. It's not my intension to promote athlons or whatever x86 stuff. It frustrates me that there is no looking foreward anymore to a "power without the price" atari computer. I think the coldfire guys are doing a great job, I just regret it for them that motorola can't supply them with a cpu that can compete with modern standards and that frustrates me too.
I paid a equivalent of €1800 for a TT once back in 1990, and I shure would pay €1000 for a coldfire/ppc clone, even if it's 'only' 350MHz. I just deeply regret it that there are not much atari developers left though I greatly respect the ones who still develop atari stuff.
Please accept my apologies if I offended anybody here, that was not my purpose.