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 Subject: RE: I meant €200 for just only ther board
Author: replicant (
Date:   12-06-2002 00:25

I forgot to mention: €200 max. for just the board only. If they gonna sell the acp as a complete computer I would be more than willing to pay €500 if it contains a lot of featues like deese dsp, firewire, usb2... I understand you can't expect such a computer for just 200, so heving reread my post I deeply regret typing that.

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         RE: I meant €200 for just only ther board  replicant 12-06-2002 00:25 
          RE: I meant €200 for just only ther board new Shane 12-06-2002 02:37 
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   RE: Let's make a AtariPPC overnight new elliot 12-07-2002 13:09 

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