Yes, I ahve just been and tried a couple of programs using a few emus ( STEEM included ) and GEMulator and steem both do the paralell port for more Midis in CuBase.
I dont think the speed option in Steem works all that well though to be truthful.
I found that while the emulator may very well be faster, the screen updates were horrible.
I am using an AMD K6/2 550 though if that makes any difference?
Sicne you are the Steem authors, how about doing some things that can actually be useful to more users?
What about giving us bigger screens, and especially more colours... I think 640x480x16 is an absolute minimum for serious work, while 800x600x256 is a good target to aim for!
Ok, so maybe you will have some compatibility issues with the ST having the 32K screen memory, but surely come on! - what about just creating an ATARI emulator rather than an ST/STE Emulator?
This way, the more serious users would probably want to use EMulation more rather than the gamers just wanting to play games... You could have them both maybe, a gamers STEEM, and a real users STEEM.
Hell, what about going the whole hog, andusing the same GFX that the PC is capable of?