Author: Fat Rakoon (
Date: 12-05-2001 04:59
I can render images using Phoenix and Cyber Control scripting in a fraction of the time it would take on the TT.
SO? - I too can render ( and do ) in the fraction of the time ( 13% to be exact ) than it would on a normal TT with mine, and several times faster on the Milan.
>>I can run many more games than the TT can run.
Here we go... Games again, silly ST games no doubt! - how many TT or Falcon games can you play? BTW, my TT plays all the ST games I have anyway, so what are you saying?
>>I can do both at once.
Erm, I missed you there? - what? Game and Rendering? - ok, you got me there, but I can play GEM Games and Render, but I doubt that counts, cos so can a normal ST
>>I can use my gravis game-pad with all the st games.
Ok, well, you can use most PC Control sticks with the STE and Falcon using an adapter
>>I can run Calamus & Pagestream at a pace that will make the Milan look sick.
Yup, you can. But it makes me laugh that Calamus is no longer supported for the PC, only Mac & Atari, also, erm, the milan yes, is not too hot comp[ared to most clones, but the Coldfire chip will rip the shit out of ANY Pc running GEMulator if reports are correct
>>Do any DTP at 1600x1200@85HZ on your
TT? I didn't think so. Gemulator can
do that.
I can run 65535 colours on my Ataris can GEMulator do that? Can GEMulator do 256 colours even?
1600x1200 though?
Oh come on now we are getting silly.
I cannot do that on the TT because I do not have the graphics card, but I can do it on the Milan
When I get bored I can watch a DVD
and play Unreal Tournament. And if I
need to take home some work from the
office, I can do that too.
Ok, so games are shyte on Atari and clones, no atari has a hope in hell of getting even close to what a PC can do, in that respect, so I wont argue in any way there, as for DVD, well why mention that? - I watch DVD too!
The ultimate emulator doesn't exist
yet...but it is the way to go for the
future of TOS computing.
Maybe so, maybe so.
But then, thats what some people say about the Mac - All Atari needs, is for a machine to come out that isnt so stupidly bloody expensive!
>Coldfire is a joke.
Is it really?
It will only get more funny by the time XTOS is released. Besides the PowerPC their is no truly modern Motorola CPU.
True, but at 333mhz, and when you consider that a 68K CPU is 300-400% more efficient than x86, this would make the XTos Machine equivalent to 1.3ghz, so what kinf of PC would you need to compare to that with speed?
>>Crawl out of the Dark Ages.
Why bother? I have been so utterly sick of Windows, that I am now selling off my PCs to get the TT back online. CAB wont run very well on the Milan
So far, nothign you have said ( apart from such obvious advantages of also running a PC game, or 2 EMulators at once ) has said anythign to me, that will make an Emulator any better than the real thing.
Ok Emu beats the pants off a real ST more often than not, but No way is it better than a clone, absolutely NO BLOODY WAY
Be honest with me here, but have you ever used a good clone?
My TT is running at 72mhz, the Milan is 66, and yet the milan is several times faster than the TT, admittedly the Milan needs it own version of a lot of software, Magic O/S being the main bugger, but then, I dont often use the Milan ( have not touched it for months actually ) because its not as good as the TT.
Ok, so there are a lot of solid facts that you say, and I argue them, I know I am biting into the wind though with some of them, but the future of TOS is NOT in EMulation with current EMU software, and neither is it in Real hardware without better hardware, and like I said a while ago that the software for atari needs a really big overhaul, and we need to stop supporting the ST, and only go for machines with more speed, and more RAM etc.
IF we keep out software to only run on 4MB 8mhz machines, then there will never be a future.
My TT runs Magic 6 & Jinnee, I can run several LZH Archives, and I can have Papyrus Office, Calamus SL, Works, Texel, and I can run Xenomorph rendering a 430k File to a TGA Picture, and I can use GEMVIEW3 displaying a dozen Full colour JPG pictures ( on screen ), all at the same time, and I am still running faster than a standard ST.
Before you tell me otherwise, GEMulator CANNOT do that!
Whats more, I can go further... I know... I do these things just to piss PC owners off