Author: Richard (
Date: 01-15-2003 13:07
I've had a look at the I2C protocol on the web and found the following....
"No ACK from i2c slave"
This is not exactly a condition. It is merely a state in the data flow between master and slave.
If , after transmission of the 8 th bit from the MASTER to the slave , the slave does not pull the SDA line low, then we have a No ACK condition .
This means that either :
The slave is not there (in case of an address)
The slave missed a pulse and got out of sync with the SCL line of the master.
The bus is 'stuck' . One of the lines could be held permanenently low.
In any case the MASTER should abort by attempting to send a STOP condition on the bus.
A test for 'Stuck bus' can be performed in the STOP cycle
So by the looks of it a software problem it is, rather than hardware.
Any suggestions of where to go from here?