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 Subject: RE: Lynx Development
Author: Zachary (
Date:   06-24-1999 00:05

Kaltar, I would think they would acknowledge the lynx II but either create a new updated hand held the Lynx III ? It would be so nice if they did recontinue production of the lynx II, because if you think about it, the lynx II is still pretty good at graphics, sounds, gameplay and looks of itself. I think Hasbro is going to release a killer atari that will embarass even the Sega Dreamcast. We'll just have to wait and see.

 Topics Author  Date
  Lynx Development new kaltar 06-18-1999 19:24 
   RE: Lynx Development  Zachary 06-24-1999 00:05 
   RE: Lynx Development new Carl 06-26-1999 22:49 
   RE: Lynx Development new Steve Goss 06-28-1999 07:40 
    RE: Lynx Development new tIn 07-07-1999 11:10 
   RE: Lynx Development new Matthias Jaap 07-08-1999 19:39 

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