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 Subject: RE: MagiC on Ethernet/ADSL
Author: Frankie Doyle (
Date:   02-25-2003 23:41

I have thought of this option too, but I turned it down because of two things:

The Quadra is "clockchipped" from its original 33MHZ up to a modest 50MHZ, and its serial ports stops working above appr 40MHZ :(
(the Ethernet card still works fine tho)

And, what IP adress would the Falc have in my LAN, same as the MAC? Would the router "see" that there is two computers on LAN port 4??

Hmm, if that would work, and the MAC passes the right data on to the Falc, and still work as a webserver, then it IS an option. Pity tho, I'll have to speed the MAC down to less than 40MHZ... :-/

Since the LAN port on the Falc is nothing else than a cloning of the MACs modem port(RS422), the best would be to plug an original Apple serial cable in there, eh? RS422 is a bit faster than RS32, and HSMOD7 gives me the option to select LAN port, so that should work I guess...

Just one issue; How on earth do I tell the MAC to route??? In the modem settings I selected 'modem port' and 'Nullmodem 115200'. Now, how do I route this on to the LAN card?

Cheers Frank

 Topics Author  Date
  MagiC on Ethernet/ADSL new Frankie Doyle 02-25-2003 10:28 
   RE: MagiC on Ethernet/ADSL new Gushie 02-25-2003 14:04 
    RE: MagiC on Ethernet/ADSL  Frankie Doyle 02-25-2003 23:41 
     RE: MagiC on Ethernet/ADSL new Anders Eriksson 02-26-2003 01:18 
      RE: MagiC on Ethernet/ADSL new Anders Eriksson 02-26-2003 01:21 
       RE: MagiC on Ethernet/ADSL new Frankie Doyle 02-26-2003 01:56 
       RE: MagiC on Ethernet/ADSL new Fenix 02-26-2003 21:41 
        RE: MagiC on Ethernet/ADSL new Jan Krupka 03-04-2003 00:20 
         RE: MagiC on Ethernet/ADSL new Jan Krupka 03-04-2003 00:21 
     RE: MagiC on Ethernet/ADSL new Gushie 02-26-2003 11:40 
      RE: MagiC on Ethernet/ADSL new Frankie Doyle 03-01-2003 06:23 
       RE: MagiC on Ethernet/ADSL new tero 03-01-2003 13:25 
    Falcon and Mac new tero 02-26-2003 16:38 
     RE: Falcon and Mac new Frankie Doyle 02-26-2003 18:36 
      LAN port options new Frankie Doyle 03-02-2003 20:55 
       RE: LAN port options new Martine 03-03-2003 09:48 
        RE: LAN port options new Frankie Doyle 03-10-2003 17:08 

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