Author: Mr. B.B.C. (
Date: 03-14-2003 13:37
ACK, but you should look for TOS 1.4 - it was the most spread and therefore supported TOS version- it was shipped with the 1040STFMs.
A primitive joystick request(just checking special addresses) on 520 ST (TOS 1.2) did not work on a 1040. So a few games didn't work on a 1040, but I don't know about any professional game with that problem.
All the classic games like SimCity, Railroad Tycoon, Ultima, Afterburner, Pirates and so on were written for the 1040 ST, later the big software houses lost their engagement for the TOS platform.
Some added STE features like Thalion, but the games still had to run on a 1040 ST anyway.
So explicitly for STE and Falcon, using their graphical abilities, there were only Public Domain games and demos.