Author: shaktiman (
Date: 03-27-2003 12:22
Do you still have the Q840 MOBO?
If so, you actually have the fastest 68K machine Apple ever made. Quadra 840AV is the one and
only 68040 MAC that runs at 40MHZ in its original state. If you want to run TOS applications
VERY fast, then just install MagiCMac, NVDI and Jinnee desktop on it! It will read every Atari
formatted SCSI HD you throw at it, and it runs most 'clean' Atari programs except DSP apps. "
I am using the 840av at this very moment!
I have this one & a dead one.
I tried the MagicMac demo which kept resetting date & other things on the mac.
MagicMac costs quite a bit, a bit too much for me.
I have a Powermac coming so that'll have an st emulator, though I'm not holding my breath. It'll be NoSTalgia I think.
Everything is great about my 840av except the operting system.
Can I buy MagicMac second hand cheap?
I was going to hold onto the dead 840av motherboard for spares & I think the cpu is still good & it is socketed!
The dead 840av I think it's the roms which are at fault, when it died the screen got yellow & green shadowing, very similar to when I have put rom chips in upside down into an st!
The rom on the 840av was two simms as opposed to chips, Apple did this with a few early models, in case they wished to upgrade I guess.
If anyone knows someone who can fix these simms, or replace them it would be good to know.
I shall give consideration to selling the motherboard but it'll take a bit to "pry" it out of my grasp!
If I decide to sell, I'll email you.
I also have a Quadra 650, but was too scared to try speeding it up. I am not the greatest solderer!
I wanted to rebuild the st mobo as a project which would hone my electronics skills:-)
Cheers for the reply Frankie.