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 Subject: RE: ARANYM is it anygood?
Author: Stanislav Opichal (
Date:   06-03-2002 13:29

Hi Bob!

ARAnyM is intended to be a complete TOS compatible clone in the future. If there are some people that supports it in the future the n the a complete distribution is on the TODO list. It would probably be a CD that will install ARAnyM on your PC and the next time you'll be able to boot directly to your favourite TOS desktop.

stay tunned, or better help us with this task

best regards

JAY Software / ARAnyM Team

 Topics Author  Date
  ARANYM is it anygood? new Bob 05-31-2002 23:24 
   RE: ARANYM is it anygood? new havoc 06-02-2002 02:18 
   RE: ARANYM is it anygood? new Bob 06-02-2002 20:08 
    RE: ARANYM is it anygood? new Johan Klockars 06-02-2002 22:24 
    RE: ARANYM is it anygood? new Yves Gablin 06-03-2002 13:20 
   RE: ARANYM is it anygood?  Stanislav Opichal 06-03-2002 13:29 
    RE: ARANYM is it anygood? new havoc 06-04-2002 05:18 
    RE: ARANYM is it anygood? new Galen 06-04-2002 06:38 
     RE: ARANYM is it anygood? new Stanislav Opichal 06-04-2002 10:11 
      RE: ARANYM RPM new Galen 06-21-2002 04:45 
       RE: ARANYM RPM new Petr Stehlik 06-24-2002 13:17 
   RE: ARANYM is it anygood? new Stanislav Opichal 06-04-2002 10:04 

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