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 Subject: RE: Falcon Fast Ram
Author: Damion (
Date:   07-23-2007 05:40

>>C to M scsi id 3


Normally, you should have C to P
Whats happened to NOP? ( Programmers might find something funny there )

Also set your SCSI ID to 0 ( ZERO )... It wont make a blind bit of diff like, but its always best practise.

You have no IDE?

Listen... How long does it take to boot your Falcon up? - Without IDE, my Falcon takes a good fair while to start... It needs to have IDE to get off its bum ( I know there are fixes by stuff that ). So, I use IDE to boot.

Sure, I use CuBase Audio, and for that I have SCSI. I have a Syquest 270MB Jobby thats crappy in that it has trouble reading disks, but once they are in, its great, and I use this for my work drive in CuBase Audio and so far its been ok... CuBase Audio has limits on the Partition sizes when using Audio apparently although I have never tried testing this theory out, I just accepted it.

>>Diamond edge appears to get confused in the all info with the big numbers or maybe its me?

Some apps I have dont like large partitions. Its no the fact that they are large partitions as such and they can usually read and write the data even ,its just they cant seem to figure out FREESPACE etc.
My worst bug-bear is VFAT Names - I want to use them so much, but if a program dont know them, then rather than ignore them, the program usually takes a hissy-fit.

>>Cd on X id 5
(Extendos + CD Writer)

My SCSI Writers are both ID5 and 6
Although one day I might get round to getting some CD burning software.

>>Nvdi 2.5 ? where my copy of 3's gone i don't know!

Same here... I got 4.11 running for ages cos my v5 Floppy went AWOL. Sorted now though.


Sorry, thats the big power connection that goes into the back of the HD.
The HDs have 4 pins sticking out, the Molex connector has 4 cir-clip style sleeves and the Pins fit snugly into the sleeves...
Sometimes the sleeves stretch ( Often due to heat ) , and lose their grip on the pins of the HD and this can cause problems.

Check them out anyway, and make sure they grip tightly.

>>Hopefully its a jumper issue!
>>powers down half way through?
>>powers down randomly! Has a First Aid >>computers sticker on it,

Erm, all signs that bad news is ahead it seems?

>>Some audio tracks are showing a 00000 byte but still play? others have premature end of file? this might not be related

Then again it might.

When they show up as 0 bytes, its usually because the FileSystem cannot find the EOF.

This is more bad news.
Try copying the files

>> Akai S3000xl sampler in to the chain? just a cable i suppose?
Thinking of fitting a scsi to that, data transfer would be useful!

Yes, the AKAI S3000 has SCSI.
Yes, you can simply add it to the Chain for sure.
Id sort out a better HD first though mate... By the time you get the Sampler sorted out, your HD will be dead by the sounds of it.

>>Spare Flash adapter
>>i'll mail you! if i ever get into hotmail! >>Flash is quiet, and solid state?

Its yours. I got a few actually but they are being used in various experiments... I got a 386 DX40 Mobo here with 8MB RAM, running DOS622 and Windows 3.11 straight off a 256MB CF Card in one of those with a Mini Keyboard and an 8" VGA TFT SCreen... Entire PC smaller than a shoe box that runs off...2 x 9v PP3 batteries no less. Sodding works too!

Listen... If you want, I can sort you out a 64MB CF Card, and the adapter, but you need a 2.5" to 3.5" adapter.
Now, you can get a cable that does this from Craplins for about a fiver or so... Thats the bugger I used after askign on this very forums a while back, because previously I had a hardware adapter... WTFF?
Anyway, on the CF adapter, what I can do for you, is set it up so it boots from it... All you will need to do, is plonk it into your Falcon and your laughing.

Hows that?

Email me your info like though.

>>I use audio, which eats space!

Tell me about it.

Especially the shyte I keep pouting out and thinking Im Jean Michel Jarre all teh time.

>>ahh the days of pleasure on a 1mb/20mb Ste!!

Yeah, I was given an STF last week ( yeah, and STF ) and I chucked a HD onto it using my old Gasteiner Toaster box and a 4GB Drive and the poor hting could see the disk was 4GB but would only let me use 1GB of it.
Took me ages to get it to boot and I realised that I had to have under 16MB partition to boot from... Or at least I set it to 12MB before it would boot from it?????

Bloody hell.

Now, My falcon boots from 512MB CompactFlash and my TT from a 200MB HD. I think my STE is running off a 60MB C: Partition, but its been so long sinc I used it, Im probably wrong?

>>MkX case! just for a keyboard! Back to woodwork class!

Yeah, my TT has a Qwertyx, the Falcon is in its own rubbish case. I do have the adapter to use the Qwertyx on the Falcon, but since my TT keyboard is now in Silicon heaven its not really a viable option.
However, since I am crammed for space where my Ataris are, Im also considering building a wooden case for it ( Not willing to shell out £200 for a Desktopper )

>>quantuum 540mb

The one I got in my gasteiner was a 500MB+ job... Possibly 540 I cant remember now?

You can actually still buy brand new 50 Pin SCSI Drives in sich sizes. the prices are kept annoyingly higher than they need to be but they are still a lot cheaper than buying a bigger one and having to waste the space I suppose?

Im actually considering doing a complete re-fresh of all my ATari HDs since I found a company that supplies drives like 40MB and 80MB etc all the way up to the new biggies but in their lists were drives that I know to work nicely in the ST, so...

Anyway, Im waffling there. Im sure they only supply bulk so it might not get anywhere, plus Im waiting on a price list.

 Topics Author  Date
  Falcon Fast Ram new GWiz 07-21-2007 17:42 
   RE: Falcon Fast Ram new The Paranoid 07-21-2007 21:51 
    RE: Falcon Fast Ram new GWiz 07-21-2007 22:55 
     RE: Falcon Fast Ram new Damion 07-22-2007 04:47 
      RE: Falcon Fast Ram new GWiz 07-22-2007 14:04 
      RE: Falcon Fast Ram new GWiz 07-22-2007 14:07 
       RE: Falcon Fast Ram new GWiz 07-22-2007 14:48 
        RE: Falcon Fast Ram new Damion 07-22-2007 15:34 
         RE: Falcon Fast Ram new GWiz 07-22-2007 17:15 
          RE: Falcon Fast Ram  Damion 07-23-2007 05:40 
           RE: Falcon Fast Ram new GWiz 07-23-2007 16:40 
            RE: Falcon Fast Ram new Damion 07-25-2007 18:30 
     RE: Falcon Fast Ram new The Paranoid 07-22-2007 18:52 
      RE: Falcon Fast Ram new GWiz 07-22-2007 21:54 
      RE: Falcon Fast Ram new Damion 07-23-2007 05:50 
       RE: Falcon Fast Ram new JD 07-23-2007 18:13 
        RE: Falcon Fast Ram new Damion 07-25-2007 19:20 

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