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 Subject: RE: .msa and .st files on a real /|\ atari!
Author: Damion (
Date:   07-30-2007 23:50

My lack of technical knowledge springs from 2 reasons

1 - I left the Atari scene a few years back and am only recently trying to get back into it. I dont have much time to myself so, teh process is taking a long time.

2 - The reason I left teh atari scene was due to a motorcycle accident, which broke my back, and shattered both my legs and one arm and shattered my skull...
I have had reconstructive surgery to replace my right knee, my left forearm's bones were so badly shattered that I now have steel and no bones at all between elbow and wrist, My back was broken on 4 vertebrae, lucky I was only bed-bound for 9 months and I can now walk again although not very well, and my skull was smashed when my jawbone was rammed down my throat and I had massive brain damamge because I died twice at the scene and once at hospital due to blood loss.

So, having to learn all over again somehtign that you could do in your sleep and then next time you try, you dont even know how to get it to print your name ( Still dont - I have lost all ability to program and yet before I was writing HBasic Libraries every 2 minutes )

So, yes, I have a certain technical knowledge that is lacking in some areas on the Atari. I know this so please dont bloody remind me.

 Topics Author  Date
  .msa and .st files on a real /|\ atari! new GWiz 07-28-2007 17:38 
   RE: .msa and .st files on a real /|\ atari! new Damion 07-30-2007 12:01 
    RE: .msa and .st files on a real /|\ atari! new The Paranoid 07-30-2007 17:14 
     RE: .msa and .st files on a real /|\ atari! new Damion 07-30-2007 18:57 
      RE: .msa and .st files on a real /|\ atari! new Miro Kropacek 07-30-2007 19:32 
       RE: .msa and .st files on a real /|\ atari! new GWiz 07-30-2007 19:50 
       RE: .msa and .st files on a real /|\ atari! new Damion 07-30-2007 19:56 
   RE: .msa and .st files on a real /|\ atari! new GWiz 07-30-2007 19:45 
    RE: .msa and .st files on a real /|\ atari! new The Paranoid 07-30-2007 20:07 
     RE: .msa and .st files on a real /|\ atari! new ggn 07-30-2007 21:14 
     RE: .msa and .st files on a real /|\ atari!  Damion 07-30-2007 23:50 

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