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 Subject: RE: STF + SM125 for anyone who wants it?
Author: FatRakoon (
Date:   08-10-2007 03:05

Id be more than happy to box it up for you Chandler... Yes, I have seen your name around so I know you are an atarian.

Ok, you want a rodent with it?

I got it Original Mouse here somewhere???

But sure, it will have a Mouse.

Let me box it up for you then and once thats done, I will post back informing you of it and then could you get back to me on a date that they wil be picking it up so I can make sure someone will be around yeah?

Its fully working, the screen is beutiful and crisp, and the Orignal mouse does not miss a beat... I will say however, that I have not exactly put it through its paces in massive trials runs, I have only played on it long enough to find that the 4GB HD didnt like to be known as anything bigger than 1GB and thast pretty much it really so the Floppy is working great too... Its the STF Model so its got a Floppy inside, but no Modulator so its a Monitor job only... Other than that, its a god little thing thats just being wasted on me.


 Topics Author  Date
  STF + SM125 for anyone who wants it? new FatRakoon 08-04-2007 03:50 
   RE: STF + SM125 for anyone who wants it? new Chandler 08-09-2007 16:32 
    RE: STF + SM125 for anyone who wants it?  FatRakoon 08-10-2007 03:05 
     RE: STF + SM125 for anyone who wants it? new Chandler 08-10-2007 13:11 
      RE: STF + SM125 for anyone who wants it? new FatRakoon 08-10-2007 15:45 
       RE: STF + SM125 for anyone who wants it? new Chandler 08-10-2007 16:11 
        RE: STF + SM125 for anyone who wants it? new FatRakoon 08-10-2007 18:12 
         RE: STF + SM125 for anyone who wants it? new Chandler 08-10-2007 20:52 
          RE: STF + SM125 for anyone who wants it? new FatRakoon 08-14-2007 19:57 
           RE: STF + SM125 for anyone who wants it? new Chandler 08-14-2007 23:22 
            RE: STF + SM125 for anyone who wants it? new FatRakoon 08-18-2007 04:21 

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